More invitations to interviews?

Have your application checked!


Accurate and convincing application documents through feedback from HR staff on your cover letter, motivation letter and CV.


Our customers significantly increase their chances of being invited by completing the application check.


Find out based on our concrete proposals for change,
what your application needs to be convincing.


We guarantee youa completed application check,24 hours after receipt of your documents.


So seet an application that we have reviewed.

The corrections are made directly in your documents so that you can understand every change we make.

Paragraph title

Application check

We will review your application documents and give you clear feedback with concreteSuggestions for additions and improvements. We will examine your application very closely and tell you what we think your individual application still needs in order to convince HR managers.

Whether youfor an advertised positionorinitiativeapply,Career starterorProfessional experience:We will check whether your application shows that you are the right person for the job.

In addition to instructions on how to give our feedback, you will receivegeneral tipsabout creating a perfect application.


Would you like to apply for an international position?

Examination of English-language documents

For an additional charge of just €59.00, we will check your English-language documents. Regardless of whether you want to apply within Germany or internationally.


Our services

Our services

Application check

  • Checking completeness
  • Spelling & Grammar Test
  • Examination order
  • Tips

from 34,00 €


Application optimization

  • Checking completeness
  • Spelling & Grammar Test
  • Examination order
  • Tips
  • Formulation recommendations
  • Text alternatives
  • Expression and meaning

from 104,00 €



Application check Application optimization
Checking completeness
Spelling & Grammar Test
Examination order
Formulation recommendations
Text alternatives
Expression and meaning
ab 44,00 € ab 114,00 €







Do you need help?

Frequently asked questions about the review of application documents

  • How much does an application check cost?

    You can choose between 2 products:

  • How does the application check work?

    Book here on our website by clicking on the button "Book check now". In the next step you will be taken to our shop page. Here you can also select the add-ons such as application optimization, social media check, application in English and finally complete the purchase.

  • What do I need to prepare?

    Send us your application in the same way you would send it to the target company. So please write an individual cover letter and your current CV. We also need the job advertisement you are applying for. You can attach this as a screenshot, as a PDF or as a link.

  • How do I know if my documents have reached you?

    As soon as you have sent us your documents, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt. Then you can sit back and relax while we get to work on correcting your application.

  • How long does the application check take?

    So that you can send your application quickly to the target company, we guarantee that your application will be completed within 24 hours.

  • Do you also correct employment references?

    No. We are not allowed to do this for legal reasons. We can also say from our own experience and from the results of many studies: certificates usually receive the least attention in an application. The CV and cover letter are central. We can help you with this.

  • How do I pay?

    You can book your products through our shop. You can choose between several payment options:

  • Why do I have to include a job advertisement?

    Your application should always refer to a specific position and be individually formulated. In order to check whether your application makes it clear that you are suitable for the position, we need the job advertisement. So take a close look at what is required in the job advertisement and express that you meet the requirements. Because: An application for everyone is an application for no one!

  • I want to apply on my own initiative. Do you also correct unsolicited applications?

    Yes. If you want to send an unsolicited application, you can check whether the company has advertised a position that suits you but is not available at your preferred location, for example. If you cannot find a specific position, your application should clearly state which department/specialty you would like to work in and how you can specifically support the company.

  • Who will correct my application?

    After more than 10 years in the HR department, our career coaches know first-hand what is important when applying for a job. We look at it from the recruiter's perspective and evaluate your documents as if they had been received by us as an application. From more than 3,000 coaching hours, we know the perspective of the applicants just as well and can help you avoid typical stumbling blocks and faux pas.

  • I don't have Microsoft Word - can I still use the application check?

    Definitely! Just send us a short email to, we will definitely find a solution for you.

  • Do I have to accept all changes?

    No. We correct your documents so that you can follow each of our steps. This way, you decide which instructions you want to accept, change by change.

  • What happens with my data?

    We treat your data 100% securely and of course we do not pass it on to third parties. You can find more information about our privacy policy here:

  • Do you also give suggestions for design?

    No. We leave the graphic representation and design of your folder up to you - it's ultimately a matter of taste. But we make sure that the design you choose doesn't get in the way of clarity. In our view, the following principle applies to the visual design of your documents: less is more!

Send us your application now for review.

We support you!

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