Innovative personnel marketing:

You in the leading career podcast


  • Get creative and use this innovative opportunity for your employer branding.
  • Reach more than 20,000 potential applicants now and in the future.
  • Enjoy undivided attention – just you and your target group.
  • Receive tailor-made applications for your company.


Your benefits:

Why should you feature your company on the podcast?

You reach your target group

The Career Optimizer podcast reaches 20,000 listeners per month, 3,000 NL subscribers and 3,500 followers on various social media channels.

They therefore appeal to people of different age groups, with different levels of education and with different professional backgrounds.

You reach future applicants

Future listeners are also addressed, because experience shows that new listeners and subscribers also listen to old episodes.

You are in the spotlight

Introduce yourself and your company in a 30-45 minute interview. Unlike traditional advertising media, you have the undivided attention of this audience. At the same time, you become visible to your target group on a human level. This allows applicants to build a personal relationship directly.

You will receive tailor-made applications

Talk about what is important to you in the application process and receive suitable applications.

The risk of rejecting ideal candidates due to imprecise applications is reduced!

They are designed for maximum success

You will receive comprehensive advice in advance from over 5 years of podcast experience and more than 10 years of experience as a recruiter, trainer and coach. Include the interview on your applicant page and use it to convert all interested parties into potential candidates.

They are audible at any time

Once recorded, the interview remains stored in our podcast audio library. Therefore, embed the interview on your applicant page and use it to convert all interested parties into potential candidates.

What makes podcasts so successful for your HR marketing?

Podcasts offer a flexible and individual form of entertainment that any time and any place is available.

Podcasts create a personal and trusting relationship between the listeners and the podcasters.

Podcast convey uniqueness and personalitythat are important for addressing applicants.


Your added value: You will receive from us

Finished podcast episode

Recording, editing and link for direct embedding on your career page. If you wish, you can receive the files for your own use.

Comprehensive preparation

Providing interview questions, briefing interview participants, tips to present you in the best light.

Personalized content

Choice of focus, individual questionnaire based on your target group and your company for the optimal approach.

Experienced host

Over 5 years of podcasting experience.

More than 100 interviews conducted,

Tips for increasing reach

Knowledge of the target group

Over 3000 coaching hours with specialists and managers

From Gen-Z to Gen Baby Boomer

Job seekers & those willing to change


30 days after the episode is published, you will receive an evaluation of the performance of the podcast episode and, if requested, tips on how to increase reach.

Your contact person:

Who interviews and supports you?

Bastian Hughes, host of the Career Optimizer Podcast

As a coach, trainer and former recruiter, I have been working with people of different generations, educational levels and from different organizations on a daily basis for more than 10 years. This means that I not only know the needs and wishes of different applicants and therefore your target group, but also have insight into a wide variety of companies in different industries and various universities with a variety of courses. This means that I can build the bridge you need to connect you with the ideal applicants.

I would be happy to answer your questions regarding cooperation.

I look forward to meeting you.

Your Bastian Hughes


Your competitors:

Who has already been on the Career Optimizer Podcast?

What does an interview sound like?

What do your competitors say?

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"We used the podcast interview [applying at PwC] to talk about our different priorities in filling positions, but also about our corporate culture at PwC Germany. I found it very exciting to speak to the candidates directly and thus build up an initial level of trust."

Donia Bozorgnia

Talent Acquisition Expert (Advisory)
bei PwC Deutschland

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"Podcasts are a great tool for successful employer branding! We were able to talk about Pronova BKK's values, such as sustainability and diversity, which are also very important to us in recruiting. A very modern way to draw attention to ourselves."

Ybele van der Kooi

Personal referent at pronovaBKK

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"I noticed that the post [about the joint podcast episode] was shared very often in various networks by our employees and sometimes also by our board. I've also had applicants who have asked me about it. The interview was great!"

Thorsten Gremplinski

Human Resources Officer, LVM Insurance

Your questions: Would you like more information?

We would be happy to advise you and answer your questions about cooperation.

You can book an appointment directly or ask your question via the contact form or by email ( to us. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Request your information material here

Your message to us

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