Take the next step in your career. Reach your goals faster with coaching!


From career orientation, solving conflicts in everyday working life, to changing jobs and personnel discussions.

We at Berufsoptimierer accompany you through all stages of your individual career.


Experienced and certified coaches will accompany you in your next career step.


Our coaches adapt to your personal needs and develop the right solution with you.


Simply arrange your personal coaching sessions with your coach.

Career coaching

Career coaching includes:

  • a personal coaching session of 60 minutes on your individual career topic

Use career coaching, for example, to:

  • YourApplication documentsto discuss
  • You on an upcomingjob interviewto prepare
  • You for theSalary negotiationto get fit
  • Support with theprofessional orientationon the job market
  • Support with theprofessional positioningto obtain

Before you book a coaching session, you can also discuss your personal concerns with your desired coach in advance in a free initial consultation.

Book your initial consultation now


Use the coaching for example for:

  • the answer to the question: "Which job suits me?" or for professional (re-)orientation
  • cooperation and communication in everyday working life
  • dealing with conflicts or excessive workload
  • the further development of your (leadership) skills
  • Your training in the new job

The coaching includes:

  • Personal coaching of at least 60 minutes on your individual career or application topic.
  • The coaching takes place online. The coaching can therefore also be recorded so that you can reflect on the conversation afterwards at your leisure.

Coaching for career entry

Coaching bei Nervosität im Vorstellungsgespräch

Coaching to achieve professional goals

Berufsziel coaching und Erarbeitung Karrierestrategie

Coaching for more job satisfaction

Den passenden Job finden und glücklich sein



1. Free

Initial consultation

In a free 30-minute initial telephone conversation, you will get to know the coach of your choice. You will discuss your current situation and the result you are hoping for. Together, you will set the schedule for the upcoming coaching session(s).

2. Coaching Session

You meet with your coach and you work out suitable solutions for the issues you agreed on in the initial meeting. A coaching session lasts at least 60 minutes. Coaching can also last longer if desired.

3. Follow Up

It is very important to us that you achieve your goals with the coaching. That is why our customer service will contact you after your last coaching session and you will discuss what the coaching has achieved for you.


Book your initial consultation now, free of charge and without obligation, and discuss your personal concerns with your desired coach.


Our coaching principles

You decide everything! Coaching is so individual that you decide the topic and the goal as well as the depth of the sessions. What you want to talk about, what you want to use the coaching for and what you reveal to your coach are all up to you. This also means that you take responsibility for what you achieve with the coaching. Coaching is not a type of advice, nor will your coach tell you what to do. But the solutions developed in coaching will suit you and are therefore realistic and feasible.

Everything stays between us! We are committed to maintaining confidentiality about everything discussed during coaching. You can trust us 100% that we will not pass anything on to third parties.

Always tell the truth! Coaching is a safe space where you can express all your thoughts, feelings and opinions without being judged. Both you and your coach agree to always be honest with each other - and not to say what you should say.

We are on your side! All of our methods, interventions and questions are designed to help you achieve your goal - sometimes they may seem a little critical. But we always do this for a specific reason: every critical question we ask is for reflection and therefore for problem solving. We are not there to please you, but to help you. Unlike conversations with friends, we also start when things get uncomfortable. This means we don't leave your comfort zone, we expand it.

Time is valuable! We agree to treat your time and that of the coach with respect. This does not mean that we cannot extend a coaching session by 5 minutes or that you cannot be 2 minutes late, but coaching is a time resource. Therefore, we reserve the right to charge for anything that exceeds 15 minutes of the agreed time and to charge 50% for cancellations of coaching sessions received later than 2 working days before the agreed appointment.

Our coaching principles

You decide everything! Coaching is so individual that you decide the topic and the goal as well as the depth of the sessions. What you want to talk about, what you want to use the coaching for and what you reveal to your coach are all up to you. This also means that you take responsibility for what you achieve with the coaching. Coaching is not a type of advice, nor will your coach tell you what to do. But the solutions developed in coaching will suit you and are therefore realistic and feasible.

Everything stays between us! We are committed to maintaining confidentiality about everything discussed during coaching. You can trust us 100% that we will not pass anything on to third parties.

Always tell the truth! Coaching is a safe space where you can express all your thoughts, feelings and opinions without being judged. Both you and your coach agree to always be honest with each other - and not to say what you should say.

We are on your side! All of our methods, interventions and questions are designed to help you achieve your goal - sometimes they may seem a little critical. But we always do this for a specific reason: every critical question we ask is for reflection and therefore for problem solving. We are not there to please you, but to help you. Unlike conversations with friends, we also start when things get uncomfortable. This means we don't leave your comfort zone, we expand it.

Time is valuable! We agree to treat your time and that of the coach with respect. This does not mean that we cannot extend a coaching session by 5 minutes or that you cannot be 2 minutes late, but coaching is a time resource. Therefore, we reserve the right to charge for anything that exceeds 15 minutes of the agreed time and to charge 50% for cancellations of coaching sessions received later than 2 working days before the agreed appointment.


individual responsibility

You decide everything! Coaching is so individual that you decide the topic and the goal as well as the depth of the sessions. What you want to talk about, what you want to use the coaching for and what you reveal to your coach are all up to you. This also means that you take responsibility for what you achieve with the coaching. Coaching is not a type of advice, nor will your coach tell you what to do. But the solutions developed in coaching will suit you and are therefore realistic and feasible.


Everything stays between us! We are committed to maintaining confidentiality about everything discussed during coaching. You can trust us 100% that we will not pass anything on to third parties.


Always tell the truth! Coaching is a safe space where you can express all your thoughts, feelings and opinions without being judged. Both you and your coach agree to always be honest with each other - and not to say what you should say.


We are on your side! All of our methods, interventions and questions are designed to help you achieve your goal - sometimes they may seem a little critical. But we always do this for a specific reason: every critical question we ask is for reflection and therefore for problem solving. We are not there to please you, but to help you. Unlike conversations with friends, we also start when things get uncomfortable. This means we don't leave your comfort zone, we expand it.


Time is valuable! We agree to treat your time and that of the coach with respect. This does not mean that we cannot extend a coaching session by 5 minutes or that you cannot be 2 minutes late, but coaching is a time resource. Therefore, we reserve the right to charge for anything that exceeds 15 minutes of the agreed time and to charge 50% for cancellations of coaching sessions received later than 2 working days before the agreed appointment.




Erfahrene und zertifizierte Coaches mit Personalerfahrung und Führungskompetenz

All of our experienced coaches work in various industries, have a background in personnel selection and certified coaching training.



If you use the word "Coaching" hears or reads, some prejudices quickly arise.

“It’s just talk”, “I can do it myself”, “Rip-off!”

In the Career Optimizer podcast, we cleared up these prejudices and answered the following questions:

1. What is coaching?

2. Which prejudices need to be eliminated?

3. How does coaching work?

Listen now!


Are you dissatisfied and don't know what the next step in your career should be? In an application coaching or career coaching session, we analyze together, develop new perspectives and help you reach your goal!

Check out our examplesele and get an idea of what coaching could look like for you.

Coaching example for career orientation by Alicia

  • The goal

    The focus of the coaching with Alicia was on developing professional alternatives for starting a career.

  • The coaching

    People act based on different motivators. These are based on the so-called drivers: be strong / please everyone / try hard / be perfect / be strong.

  • Alicias Feedback

    "The coaching helped me to broaden my perspective and to align my future job search with what suits me and what I enjoyed doing in the past. This will enable me to reflect on which jobs might be suitable for me, where these experiences, characteristics and skills are exactly what I need. I have also learned many techniques that will help me question my career orientation. This has given me a feeling for what exactly I enjoy and what is important to me in my job."

Coaching example on communication in everyday life by Marie

  • The goal

    In coaching with Marie, the focus was on the topics: learning to make demands / negotiation as well as appearance and impact.

  • The coaching

    When it came to the topic of "making demands," the client's goal was to formulate demands that she would like to make in discussions with colleagues and superiors in order to be more satisfied in her current job. To do this, it was first important to work out what is important to the client. A simple method is to ask yourself what you no longer want in the future. In the next step, the client formulates the opposite. When asked what I want instead, the client can better describe her ideas. The session concludes with the creation of a strong and motivating vision.

  • Maries Feedback

    "The coaching I received helped me to get very close to my previously desired goals. Over several sessions, I was trained and strengthened in my personality and my professional demeanor. I was also able to take care of myself and create an optimized starting point for my future professional activities. Strengths, values and patterns were identified, which offers tremendous help in consolidating what has been achieved."

Coaching example on conflict resolution by Markus

  • The goal

    The coaching focused on the following topics: building resilience and resolving ongoing conflicts in everyday working life.

  • The coaching

    People act based on different motivators. These are based on the so-called drivers: be strong / please everyone / try hard / be perfect / be strong.

  • Markus Feedback

    "Reflection was the main topic for me and it helped me a lot. This enabled me to analyze my situation and understand what led to work overload. By taking the approach of getting out of the victim role and taking responsibility and by recognizing my drivers, I was able to better understand the behavior of others and found ways to resolve conflict situations more quickly."

What is coaching?

If you use the word"Coaching"hears or reads, some prejudices quickly arise.

"It's just talk", "I can do it myself", "Rip-off"!

In the Career Optimizer Podcast we have cleared up these prejudices and answered the following questions:

1. What is coaching?
2. Which prejudices need to be eliminated?

3. How does coaching work?

Listen now!


Book your initial consultation now, free of charge and without obligation, and discuss your personal concerns with your desired coach.


Do you need help?

frequently asked Questions

  • How much does coaching cost?

    Our coaching sessions are paid per hour, which means one coaching session lasts 60 minutes.

  • How long does coaching last?

    The length of the coaching is individual. It depends on how extensive your topic is and how quickly we make progress. Your coaching can last 1 session of 60 minutes or 10 sessions or more. You discuss this with your coach. We are happy to advise you.

  • When does the coaching take place?

    You arrange your coaching appointments individually with your coach. You decide whether you need 1 appointment per week or 1 per month, for example. We will be happy to advise you.

  • What if I have to cancel a coaching appointment?

    No problem! You can cancel or reschedule a coaching session up to 2 working days before the appointment at the latest and it is free of charge until then. After that, you will be charged 50% of the fee for the agreed time. If you cancel or reschedule an appointment on the day of the coaching session or do not show up, you will be charged the full fee as a cancellation fee.

  • What is coaching?

    Coaching follows clear rules and a defined process. The rules are: neutrality, resource activation, goal orientation and openness to results. Coaching is not a conversation like between friends. The coach has a professional, appreciative attitude and does not judge you or your behavior. He adapts to your questions and your skills individually. We understand coaching above all as help for self-help, which means that the solution to the problem already lies within you and we help you to find the necessary resources.

  • Where does the coaching take place?

    Coaching can take place online (via video call), on the phone or in person. We will decide this together in the initial consultation.

  • Who is the coaching intended for?

    Regardless of whether you are a career starter, an expert or a manager, if you want to change your career and want individual support, coaching is the format for you. No matter what industry, no matter whether you have experience with coaching or what problem is currently troubling you. Coaching is 1:1 help for all your professional issues.

We look forward to supporting you in achieving your goals!


Career coaching on the go. Our podcast:

Berufsoptimierer Podcast

New tips on applications and careers every week - for free!

  • Preparing for an interview
  • Mastering your career entry
  • Application tips
  • Experts from the career world
  • Employers introduce themselves
  • and much more.

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