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People who think like you. We are creating a community. Are you part of it?

Have you also noticed that the topic of job search or career planning is often done alone? There is no opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people and to push each other. Now imagine there was an opportunity to do exactly that. To find people who, like you, want to develop professionally, want to try out new ideas and want to take a risk?

We are like you. So let's build a #community together that pushes us when we are unmotivated and is there for us when we need it. With whom we can laugh and be creative together at live events and in which simple ideas can become big things.

As part of the community, you will be the first to hear about exclusive live Q&As, live podcasts and live interviews in which we can exchange ideas and develop together.

We want to build this community initially with the help of a regular newsletter that is published every 14 days. In our newsletter you will also receive information about new podcast episodes, exciting articles in our blog and when we have created new tips for you in the form of videos. This way you are always up to date with regard to your professional development.

Does that sound good? Then sign up for our newsletter and become part of the career optimizer community.
All you have to do is enter your email address and first name in the appropriate fields above.

We look forward to seeing you!

Your Career Optimizer Team

who we are

Our vision

To create a world where people can develop professionally and personally to be successful at what they enjoy most.

our mission

We create transparency in the world of work so that everyone has the same opportunity and knows how to convince others authentically and successfully.

What we do

Everyone deserves to have a job that suits them. That's why we support and accompany people at every step of their career to help them be confident, authentic and successful in their careers, based on their strengths.

More about us

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