Key notes, trainings and workshops
for companies & universities

We would be happy to offer you an individual cooperation designed for your target group.

Find out here which services we offer you, with which expertise and what our previous cooperation partners say about us.

We offer various forms of cooperation:

Articles & Writings

Target group-oriented, easy to understand and realistic - this is how we write our texts. We would be happy to write an article for you on your desired topic.

Interviews & What was said

No matter what type of interview you are planning, we will be happy to be your competent counterpart on your topic.

Training & Scholarship

With practical examples, interactive and flexible – this is how we develop our training courses.

Moderation & Guided

We would be happy to moderate your event, involve the audience and ensure a pleasant, constructive atmosphere at your event.

Coaching & Funding

We would be happy to support you and your employees with personal career coaching.

Your company in the podcast

Are you looking for new ways to address applicants? Use our podcast on company presentation and employer branding methods.

Present your company in

Career Optimizer Podcast


Reach your target audience

The Career Optimizer podcast has 20,000 listeners per month. Unlike traditional advertising media, you have the undivided attention of this audience.


Introduce yourself and your company

In a 1-hour interview with our host Bastian Hughes, you will talk in a relaxed atmosphere about your company and why it is worth working there.


Secure the best talent on the job market

More than 10 million Germans over the age of 14 already actively listen to podcasts, and over 4 million even listen to at least one show every day.


Build bridges instead of walls

Talk about what is important to you in the application process and receive perfectly matched applications that meet your needs.

Companies that have already been on the podcast:


Do you have any questions about our services?

We would be happy to advise you and answer your questions about cooperation.
Contact us without obligation.

Your contact person

Bastian Hughes

As a coach and trainer, Bastian is familiar with various target groups and is your competent contact for all forms of cooperation.

Bastian will be happy to advise you and answer your questions regarding cooperation.
Bastian is looking forward to hearing from you.

Example projects

Topic: Application trends, Target group: Students

In our online studio we hold individual webinars and engage in virtual exchange with your participants.

Target group: Working people

Here you can see three of our articles and a publication of an interview:

Instagram series "Friday question" on the topic of application

In a 10-part short film series for Instagram (IGTV), Bastian answers questions about applying to the Career Services at Goethe University Frankfurt.

Applying in a crisis, target group: job seekers

In a Facebook Live with the job board Indeed, Bastian talks about why you should apply for a job, especially during the crisis, and answers questions from viewers.

  • Live Webinar

    Topic: Application trends, Target group: Students

  • Article

    Target group: Working people

  • Social Media Campaigns

    Instagram series "Friday question" on the topic of application

  • Live-Talk online

    Applying in a crisis, target group: job seekers


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"Former HR manager Bastian gives you a glimpse behind the scenes of the application process. His tips on applications, interviews and job searches are practical, unvarnished and so to the point that you'll want to start applying right away."

Maria Berentzen

freelance journalist, writes for


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"With the Berufsoptimierer team, we have gained an experienced and competent cooperation partner who gives our target group (...) exciting insights into the application process and starting a career. The know-how is brought to the point and is helpful for everyone who is applying (for the first time)."

Lisa Marie Dahlke

Content Creator for, FUNKE Works GmbH

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"The articles from Berufsoptimierer on our desired topics were very aptly adapted to our readers. The tips on salary negotiations and appreciative communication are clearly understandable, very helpful and easy to implement! I'd be happy to do it again."

Julia Sammiller

Sales Manager New Monday

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"We used the podcast interview [applying at PwC] to talk about our different priorities in filling positions, but also about our corporate culture at PwC Germany. I found it very exciting to speak to the candidates directly and thus build up an initial level of trust."

Donia Bozorgnia

Talent Acquisition Expert (Advisory)
bei PwC Deutschland

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"Bastian Hughes has created an online course series for our students that covers the topics of career orientation, applications, interviews and networking. The special feature is that the entire course, including the handout, had to be in simple German, as the course participants are not native German speakers. Mr. Hughes has succeeded in conveying these complex topics in a simple and refreshing way, so that the course participants can easily learn how to successfully master the first step into the working world in Germany."

Michele Spankus

Project Coordinator Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

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"I noticed that the post [about the joint podcast episode] was shared very often in various networks by our employees and sometimes also by our board. I've also had applicants who have asked me about it. The interview was great!"

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"Podcasts are a great tool for successful employer branding! We were able to talk about Pronova BKK's values, such as sustainability and diversity, which are also very important to us in recruiting. A very modern way to draw attention to ourselves."

Ybele van der Kooi

Personal referent at pronovaBKK

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"It is becoming increasingly clear that you have to find new ways to get applicants excited about your company. Your podcast is a great way to reach many people you wouldn't otherwise be able to reach and at the same time present your company in a great and modern way."

Dr. Julia Luxi & Alexandra Jacob

Recruiting at Bayernwerk

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"In the currently highly competitive applicant market, it is important to integrate new channels and methods to draw attention to yourself. As a medium-sized management consultancy, we needed something that would allow an individual and at the same time approachable way of communicating with applicants in order to stand out from the mass of employers in Germany. We were happy to present mm1 in the Berufsoptimierer podcast and talk about what applicants can expect from us and what it is like to work for us in order to establish an initial basis of trust with potential applicants. This allows us to show what makes us special as an employer."

Tatyana Popkova

Head of Talent Acquisition bei MM1

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